...ist wohl offenkundig und größer, als ich je gesehen habe. Die Manipulatoren kümmert nichts mehr.“
So John Embry, Chef Investment Stratege des $10 Mtd. schweren Sprott Asset Management in einem Interview mit KWN. Die Papierspieler hätten ihre Karten überreizt und den Goldpreis zu tief gedrückt. Die Bevölkerung des Ostens, i.E. Russen Chinesen etc. kennen perfekt die Situation... Sie nutzen diese wunderbare Gelegenheit und kaufen mehr physisches zu Schnäppchenpreisen ...
Gold und Minen seien jetzt gute Kaufgelegenheiten.
“I would dare say that the manipulation (of gold) today is perhaps more blatant and there is more of it than I’ve ever seen. They (the manipulators) don’t care anymore. You see these 3 o’clock in the morning precipitous drops.
You see drops when the COMEX opens and when the London PM fix is in. There are always these times they attack, and no market that wasn’t being manipulated would trade with that regularity.
I am of the mind that the paper guys have overplayed their hand and they have pushed the price too low. The people in the East, in particular, the Russians, the Chinese, etc., know perfectly well the situation. They are using this as a wonderful opportunity to take on more and more physical at what I would consider to be bargain prices. ...“