Explorer -- Ihre vielen Gesichter

  • Neue Bohrergebnisse bei Volvanic Gold von heute:
    Volcanic reports 14.8m @ 3.96 g/t gold and 1,097 g/t silver, including 2.2m @ 9.79 g/t gold and 2,035 g/t silver, and 1.85m @ 5.6 g/t gold and 2,801 g/t silver at Holly Project, Guatemala

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.thenewswire.com/data/tnw/clients/img/05847c3d4be21f7b4aed874ef4152b35.png]
    15kg Silber & 58,6 g/m Gold 8o

    Wird zugelassen, dass Geld auch anderweitig als durch Arbeit geschöpft wird,
    wird jeder Tätige seiner Wertschöpfung genau insoweit beraubt, als die anderweitige Geldschöpfung an der insgesamten Geldentstehung beteiligt ist.

  • Bei den Bohrergebnissen halte ich das weiter für möglich, gegen den allgemeinen Markttrend. Bewertung bei jetzt 23 Mio Can$ und etwa 11 Mio Can$ Cash. Hab eben nochmals zugekauft, der Anstieg von 30% spiegelt die News in keinster Weise wieder.

  • Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

    Alle Mitteilungen in diesem Forum sind als
    reine private Meinungsäußerung zu sehen und keinesfalls als
    Tatsachenbehauptung. Hier gilt Artikel 5 GG und besonders Absatz 3
    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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    Thor Explorations: Successful Turning of the Mills and Commencement of the Commissioning of the Segilola Gold Plant

    Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 19, 2021) - Thor Explorations Ltd. (TSXV: THX) ("Thor Explorations" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has commenced the commissioning of its gold processing plant ("Process Plant") following the successful turning of the mills at its 100% owned Segilola Gold Project ("Segilola" or the "Project") in Nigeria.

    Segun Lawson, President & CEO, stated: "We are pleased to reach this significant milestone on the Segilola Gold Project. Once again, I would like to thank the entire team, which has done an excellent job amidst the difficult circumstances of the global pandemic to reach this key step in the development of the Segilola Gold Project as we gear up towards production. We continue to work towards, and look forward to, first gold pour before the end of the month."

  • Bin auch mal mit Limit am Markt eingestiegen. Wert könnte vielversprechend sein.

    Keiner von uns kommt lebend hier raus. Also hört auf, euch wie ein Andenken zu behandeln. Esst leckeres Essen. Spaziert in der Sonne. Springt ins Meer. Sagt die Wahrheit und tragt euer Herz auf der Zunge. Seid albern. Seid freundlich. Seid komisch. Für nichts anderes ist Zeit.
    Anthony Hopkins

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Thor Explorations gießt erstes Gold bei Segilola-Mine in Nigeria

    Thor Explorations Ltd. gab soeben den ersten Goldguss bei seiner Goldmine Segilola im
    nigerianischen Bundesstaat Osun bekannt. Der Guss fand heute Morgen statt.
    Das Hochfahren der Verarbeitungsanlage wird über die nächsten sechs Wochen fortgesetzt; die kommerzielle Produktion ist für September 2021 geplant. Bei kommerzieller Produktion wird die Anlage mit
    einer Verarbeitungsrate von 715.000 Tonnen pro Jahr laufen und ca. 85.000 Unzen Gold pro Jahr produzieren.
    Segun Lawson, Präsident& CEO, äußert sich wie folgt:
    "Der erste Goldguss bei Segilola, unserer ersten Mine und der ersten kommerziellen Goldmine in Nigeria,
    ist ein bedeutender Erfolg für das Unternehmen. Diese Mine wurde unter Einhaltung des Budgets und weitgehend im Zeitplan während einer globalen Pandemie gebaut. Bei der Mine Segilola handelt es sich um eine
    hochgradige Tagebaumine mit prognostizierten All-in Sustaining Costs über die gesamte Lebensdauer von 685 $ pro Unze, die über die gesamte Lebensdauer der Mine einen hohen Cashflow ermöglichen."

  • Fury Drills High-Grade Gold at the Eau Claire Hinge Target; Exploration Drilling Resumes at Snake Lake

    TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / August 4, 2021 / Fury Gold Mines Limited (TSX:FURY)(NYSE American:FURY) ("Fury" or the "Company") is pleased to provide results for eight core drill holes at the Eau Claire project located in the Eeyou Istchee Territory in the James Bay region of Quebec, including results from the Company's deposit drilling and initial results from the western extension targets. Three of the drill holes focused on the previously untested Hinge target at the western limit of the Eau Claire deposit. Significant intercepts included 1.0 metre (m) of 12.81 g/t gold and 8.0m of 1.18 g/t gold, demonstrating that the Hinge target has both high-grade veins and broader zones of mineralization. All three holes encountered stacked zones of quartz tourmaline veining and associated amphibole-biotite alteration in the same iron rich basalt that hosts the current Eau Claire resource (Figure 1).
    "We strongly believe that Eau Claire has the potential to expand considerably at the Hinge and Limb target areas, and through drilling along the Snake Lake structure. We are also very excited about our ongoing drill program at the 8km Raven shear zone at Committee Bay, with results expected in September," commented Mike Timmins, President and CEO of Fury. "With four drill rigs turning in Quebec and Nunavut, we are looking forward to a robust second half of the year, with a lot more ounces to be discovered through exploration."
    Exploration Program Update
    The first phase of the Eau Claire exploration program was primarily focused on deposit drilling and testing areas of potential resource expansion east and west of the deposit. This first phase of drilling is now complete, whereupon as planned, we are continuing drilling focused on areas with the highest growth potential. Fury is currently drilling to explore and expand upon the Snake Lake mineralized system, where the Company has been successful at delineating high-grade mineralization on step outs of up to 850m where 0.5m of 94.1 g/t gold was intersected (see Fury's news release dated May 18, 2021). The second drill is currently testing the western Limb extension target where the Company is drilling veining and alteration consistent with that found within the Eau Claire resource. There is also the potential to add a third drill rig later in the year to focus on the expansion of mineralization at Percival and to test additional regional targets that are currently being groomed for winter drilling.
    Resource Expansion Drilling
    Fury is also pleased to report results from two resource expansion drill holes on the western Limb target, where eight stacked zones of mineralization were intersected in hole 21EC-026 and four stacked zones were encountered in hole 21EC-028 (Figure 2). Drill results from both holes meet the minimum mining width of 2m above the resource cut-off grade of 2.5 g/t gold1. Results from the western Limb resource expansion holes are presented below (Table 1). Mineralization in both drill holes is characterized by quartz-tourmaline veins and associated amphibole-biotite alteration that is spatially associated with quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes over a 150m width. Fury is highly encouraged by the presence of multiple stacked zones of mineralization and the potential to expand the resource in this area. The Company is currently drilling 250m step-out holes from the known resource based on strong geologic vectors encountered in drill holes 21EC-026 and 21EC-028 (Figure 2).
    In addition, two resource expansion holes targeting the high-grade eastern area of the deposit and outside of the current resource blocks, have intersected 1.29m of 14.27 g/t gold from drill hole 21EC-030 and 1.33m of 9.37 g/t gold from drill hole 21EC-025(Figure 3). The Company's resource expansion drill program has consistently expanded the deposit footprint to the east where the Company is currently focused on a 250m extension of the high-grade 204,000-ounce portion of the resource at 11.81 g/t gold (2.5 g/t cut-off grade)1.
    Currently, there are four completed holes pending assay results from the Western Limb extension target, one hole from the Snake Lake target, and one 150-metre step out hole testing the eastern down plunge extension from the Eau Claire project (Figure 4). The Company anticipates results from these holes to be released during September and October.
    "The initial drill holes targeting the western extensions of the deposit are highly encouraging as both the Hinge and Limb targets have yielded multiple stacked zones of gold mineralization within zones of quartz-tourmaline veining that clearly demonstrate an expanding deposit footprint. Fury's technical team believes that further drilling on the Hinge and Limb targets is fully warranted to target the system where grade and width coalesce," stated Michael Henrichsen, SVP, Exploration of Fury...

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    New Makosa "Bridge" Mineralisation at the Douta Gold Project, Senegal


    Thor Explorations Ltd. (TSXV: THX) (AIM: THX) ("Thor" or the "Company") is pleased to announce further drilling results from the southern Makosa Tail and Makosa Bridge prospects at its Douta Project, Senegal. Wide-spaced exploratory drill sections were completed over a 1,600m previously untested gap between Makosa to the north and Makosa Tail to the south. This zone is referred to as Makosa Bridge. Results received to date indicate that gold mineralisation is developed within sheared sedimentary and gabbroic host rocks over the strike length of Makosa Bridge thus connecting Makosa Tail and Makosa.

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://orders.newsfilecorp.co…_310355ff74267847_003.jpg]

  • https://ceo.ca/@newsfile/getch…ersects-30-gt-au-over-330

    Getchell Gold Corp. Intersects 3.0 G/t Au over 33.0 Metres in First Hole of the 2021 Drill Program at Fondaway Canyon, Nevada

    Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 10, 2021) - Getchell Gold Corp. (CSE: GTCH) (OTCQB: GGLDF) ("Getchell" or the "Company") is pleased to present the results from the first drill hole of the 2021 drill program at the Company's flagship Fondaway Canyon Gold Project in Nevada ("Fondaway" or "Project").
    Key Highlights

    • 3.0 g/t Au over 33.0m in FCG21-07, the first hole of the 2021 drill program at Fondaway Canyon;
    • Represents a higher-grade gold mineralized interval than adjacent holes;
    • Establishes lateral continuity of the Colorado SW Extension gold zone;
    • Is the sixth consecutive hole in the Central Area that has intersected substantive gold mineralization by the Company;
    • Results for hole FCG21-08, testing the extent of the Colorado SW Extension zone on strike to the NW in an area not previously drilled, are pending;
    • Drill holes FCG21-07 and FCG21-08 were designed to start joining and demonstrate continuity of the previously drilled and widely spaced Colorado SW Extension mineralized zone drill intercepts along its 800m down-dip modelled length; and
    • The Colorado SW Extension zone remains open along strike and to depth.
  • Skyharbour Receives $1.2 Million from Warrant Exercise and Partner
    Company Valor Announces Radiometrics Reveal New Anomalies at Hook Lake
    Project with On-Ground Work Underway

    August 11, 2021

    Vancouver, BC - Skyharbour Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: SYH) (OTCQB: SYHBF) (Frankfurt: SC1P) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that partner company Valor Resources Limited (“Valor”) has provided an update on results from the recently completed high-resolution airborne radiometric survey and the commencement of on-ground work at the Hook Lake Project (previously the North Falcon Point Project). The radiometric survey was completed in late July and covered the northeastern third of the Hook Lake Project including the Hook Lake/Zone S historical high-grade uranium occurrence. Numerous anomalies have been identified from the survey (see Figure 1 below). Total count radiometric anomalies were ranked with the highest priority anomalies being strongly correlated with the uranium channel count.
    Hook Lake (Formally North Falcon Point) Project:


  • Strategic Metals announces promising geological and analytical results from Mint porphyry Cu-Au-Ag-Mo Project, SW Yukon

    August 11, 2021 News Release
    Vancouver, B.C. – August 11, 2021 – Strategic Metals Ltd. (TSX-V: SMD) (“Strategic” or the “Company”) announces highly encouraging results from a recently completed program involving detailed geological mapping and rock sampling at its Mint porphyry copper-gold-silver-molybdenum project located in southwestern Yukon. Highlights from the program include:

    • Delineation of a 300 m by 300 m zone featuring strong alteration and abundant well-mineralized, sheeted and stockwork veinlets,800 m north of a 2012 diamond drill hole that averaged 0.204 g/t gold over its entire 331 m length; and,
    • Numerous high values from rock samples collected within the newly defined zone, which include 2.3% copper, 1.365 g/t gold, 32 g/t silver and 0.337% molybdenum.

    “Results from the 2021 mapping combined with results from earlier work confirm that Mint hosts a large, high-level porphyry system and suggest that the core of the system may lie to the north of the area that was drilled in 2012,” states Doug Eaton, CEO of Strategic Metals. “The best porphyry discoveries that have been made in the Canadian Cordillera in recent years have come from drill programs that explored beneath weaker, near-surface mineralization. We feel that Mint could be this type of target.”
    The Mint project is wholly-owned by Strategic and is not subject to any underlying royalty interests. It lies 26 km south of the Alaska Highway (Figure 1), within the Traditional Territory of the White River First Nation. The project area comprises 250 mineral claims, encompassing approximately 5000 hectares (50 km2).
    The Mint porphyry prospect is one of the youngest porphyry systems in the Canadian Cordillera. It is hosted in an Oligocene-age unit comprising basalt flows and basaltic to andesitic tuffs, which is cut by nearly coeval, fine to medium grained, hornblende granodiorite to diorite intrusions and porphyritic dykes of variable composition.
    Strategic staked the Mint project in 2010 and subsequently conducted preliminary geological mapping, soil geochemical surveys and geophysical surveys (magnetics, radiometrics and induced polarization (IP)). The soil sampling outlined a large gold-copper-molybdenum anomaly, which partially coincides with a 1500 m diameter magnetic anomaly that is cored by an area of very high response (Figures 2 and 3). The radiometric survey identified an 800 m by 1200 m potassium high about 500 m north of the core of the magnetic anomaly.In 2012, five, widely-spaced diamond drill holes (totalling 1768 m) were completed, primarily targeting magnetic, chargeability and resistivity features identified by the magnetic and IP surveys (Figure 4). The best results were obtained from hole M12-03 on the northern edge of the drill area, which averaged 0.204 g/t gold over its entire 331 m length, including 53 m that averaged 0.556 g/t gold near the bottom of the hole. All of the holes intersected porphyry -style alteration, with the best mineralized hole containing long intervals of predominantly phyllic alteration with localized areas of potassic alteration and brecciation. Copper and molybdenum values were near background to slightly elevated in all holes. Despite the encouraging gold results, the property has seen relatively little work since the drill program.
    In July 2021, the Company sent a crew to the property to perform detailed mapping and rock sampling within a promising target that lies 800 m north of the area where the maiden drill program was conducted in 2012. The work identified a 300 m by 300 m area containing porphyry-style alteration and veining with abundant copper mineralization. It appears that early stage potassic alteration is over-printed by lower temperature, higher level alteration, suggesting that the system may be telescoped. The crew reported that every outcrop in the area is altered and that porphyry-style veining is ubiquitous, comprising up to 50% of the rock by volume in some exposures (see attached photos 1-4). Chalcopyrite, pyrite and rare molybdenite occur within veins, and chalcopyrite is present in wallrocks where veins form more than 20% of the rock. Sulphide mineralization has been weathered to limonite in many locations.
    A total of 45 rock samples were collected in 2021, and of these 16 graded better than 0.1 % copper, 11 assayed 0.1 g/t or higher gold, 9 returned 5 g/t or better silver and 11 yielded more than 0.01% molybdenum. Peak values are 2.3 % copper, 1.365 g/t gold, 32 g/t silver and 0.337 % molybdenum.
    The majority of the strongly elevated 2021 results were from samples collected within the newly-defined northern target. The average values for the 26 rock samples collected in 2021 from the northern target are 0.32% copper, 0.088 g/t gold, 5.7 g/t silver and 0.038 % molybdenum. A compilation of 2021 and historical results shows that surface rock sample values for all four metals are generally much higher within the northern target than the area that was drilled in 2012 (Figures 5-8).
    Rock sample preparation and multi-element analyses were carried out at ALS in Whitehorse, YT and North Vancouver, BC, respectively. Each sample was dried, fine crushed to better than 70% passing 2 mm and then a 250 g split was pulverized to better than 85% passing 75 microns. The fine fractions were analyzed for 35 elements using aqua regia digestion followed by inductively coupled plasma (ME-ICP41). An additional 30 g charge was further analysed for gold by fire assay and inductively coupled plasma - atomic emissions spectroscopy finish (Au-ICP21).Samples with overlimit values were further analyzed by four-acid digestion for copper using Cu-OG62.


  • Surge Copper Provides Update on Summer Field Programs at Ootsa and Berg ProjectsAugust 11, 2021, Vancouver, British Columbia – Surge Copper Corp. (TSXV: SURG) (OTCQX: SRGXF) (Frankfurt: G6D2) (“Surge” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update on the Company’s summer field programs taking place at the Ootsa and Berg projects located in the Huckleberry district in central British Columbia.
    During the month of July, the Company commenced rehabilitation and upgrade work on the Berg access trail to allow for truck and all-terrain-vehicle access to the deposit area. The first phase of this work is now complete with the excavator equipment having reached the Berg camp. The excavator crew is now installing several drill pads and will complete additional improvements along the access trail as the crew leaves the project area in the coming weeks. The completion of these access improvement works has provided road access to the Berg camp and deposit area for the first time in approximately ten years and will allow for cost-effective exploration and development activities going forward. The Berg access trail branches off a local forest service road where additional road and bridge improvement work is ongoing and is being led by a local forestry operator.
    Also during the month of July, Geotech Ltd. completed the data acquisition phase of the airborne geophysical survey being conducted across the entire Huckleberry district, with approximately four thousand line-kilometres flown over Surge’s properties under excellent weather conditions and with no standby days incurred. The data is now being processed with final deliverables including inversion results, maps, and reporting to follow later in the quarter.
    The summer drill program taking place at the Ootsa Property is progressing well with approximately 13,000 metres completed since the beginning of June. Resource drilling at the West and East Seel deposits is nearing completion, and additional updates will be provided as assay results from this program become available. The Company has also engaged with geological consultants to update the geological model for West and East Seel and to incorporate additional drilling data from the 2020 and 2021 drill programs, in preparation for a resource update later this year. Drill rigs will be mobilized to test certain exploration targets in the Seel and Ox trends before being mobilized to Berg later in the summer to complete a minimum 5,000 metre program targeting extensions of the high-grade zones within the resource.
    Leif Nilsson, CEO and Director, commented: “It has been an extremely busy summer so far as we have tackled ambitious parallel work programs across the district. We are excited to start seeing the results come in from these programs and to keep pushing ahead as we take advantage of the excellent operating conditions present in central BC today.

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