Uran -- Märkte und Informationen

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    Weiss jemand wo ich eine Grafik finde, in der man sehen kann, mit wieviel CO2 die jeweiligen Stromgewinnungsmethoden (Solar,Wind,Kern usw.) belastet sind? gerne inkl. der belastungen durch den Bau der Anlagen und das Rohstoffmining.

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  • Ranked: Nuclear Power Production, by Country

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.visualcapitalist.c…generation-by-country.jpg]

    Nuclear Power Production by Country

    This was originally posted on Elements. Sign up to the free mailing list to get beautiful visualizations on natural resource megatrends in your email every week.
    Nearly 450 reactors around the world supply various nations with nuclear power, combining for about 10% of the world’s electricity, or about 4% of the global energy mix.
    But while some countries are turning to nuclear as a clean energy source, nuclear energy generation overall has seen a slowdown since its peak in the 1990s.
    The above infographic breaks down nuclear electricity generation by country in 2020 using data from the Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).
    Ranked: The Top 15 Countries for Nuclear Power
    Just 15 countries account for more than 91% of global nuclear power production. Here’s how much energy these countries produced in 2020:
    RankCountryNumber of Operating ReactorsNuclear Electricity Supplied
    [GWh]% shareTotal4482,553,208100.0%

    In the U.S., nuclear power produces over 50% of the country’s clean electricity. Additionally, 88of the country’s 96 operating reactors in 2020 received approvals for a 20-year life extension.
    China, the world’s second-largest nuclear power producer, is investing further in nuclear energy in a bid to achieve its climate goals. The plan, which includes building 150 new reactors by 2035, could cost as much as $440 billion.
    On the other hand, European opinions on nuclear energy are mixed. Germany is the eighth-largest on the list but plans to shutter its last operating reactor in 2022 as part of its nuclear phase-out. France, meanwhile, plans to expand its nuclear capacity.
    Which Countries Rely Most on Nuclear Energy?
    Although total electricity generation is useful for a high-level global comparison, it’s important to remember that there are some smaller countries not featured above where nuclear is still an important part of the electricity mix.
    Here’s a breakdown based on the share of nuclear energy in a country’s electricity mix:
    RankCountryNuclear Share of Electricity Mix
    European countries dominate the leaderboard with 14 of the top 15 spots, including France, where nuclear power is the country’s largest source of electricity.
    It’s interesting to note that only a few of these countries are top producers of nuclear in absolute terms. For example, in Slovakia, nuclear makes up 53.6% of the electricity mix—however, the country’s four reactors make up less than 1% of total global operating capacity.
    On the flipside, the U.S. ranks 17th by share of nuclear power in its mix, despite producing 31%of global nuclear electricity in 2020. This discrepancy is largely due to size and population. European countries are much smaller and produce less electricity overall than larger countries like the U.S. and China.
    The Future of Nuclear Power
    The nuclear power landscape is constantly changing.
    There were over 50 additional nuclear reactors under construction in 2020, and hundreds more are planned primarily in Asia.
    As countries turn away from fossil fuels and embrace carbon-free energy sources, nuclear energy might see a resurgence in the global energy mix despite the phase-outs planned in several countries around he globe.

  • Bin in den endlosen Weiten der World Nuclear Association Homepage unterwegs und über folgendes gestolpert...


    Es bedarf also 20 lb U3O8, um 1 Kg Brennstoff zu erzeugen und die Kosten des Rohstoffs machen derzeit ca. 50% der Brennstoffgesamtkosten aus.

    Die Kosten für Umwandlung, Anreicherung und Herstellung sind konstant bzw. sogar leicht sinkend.
    Wenn sich der Uranpreis erhöht, hat das folgenden Impact auf den Brennstoffpreis bzw. auf den Preis der kWh Strom:

    @brunix2 Evtl findest du auf dieser HP die Daten, die du suchst.

    "Glück ist, was passiert, wenn Vorbereitung auf Gelegenheit trifft."
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (1 - 65 n. Chr.)

  • smr & mining


    Russian gold miner will use nuclear energy from the world's first land-based small modular reactor

    (Kitco News) -
    Seligdar, one of the largest gold producers in Russia, said today it
    has signed an agreement with the state nuclear corporation Rosatom on
    the supply of energy generated by a small modular nuclear reactor for
    the Kyuchus gold deposit in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
    The agreement signed by Evgeny Pakermanov, President of Rusatom Overseas and Sergey Ryzhov, Chairman of Seligdar, sets a 40-years period of electrical power supply provided by the world's first land-based small modular nuclear reactor, starting from June 30, 2028. The period of nuclear energy usage can be extended due to a high probability of the deposit's reserves increase.
    Seligdar added it will use at least 35 MW of nuclear-generated electrical energy for the Kyuchus deposit project, which is one of the Russia's largest gold deposits with gold reserves exceeding 175 tonnes.
    The construction of a small modular nuclear reactor of Russian design that is planned in Yakutia, will employ the most advanced reactor plant RITM-200, which incorporates many years of operating experience of small reactors at the vessels of the Russian icebreaker fleet (more than 400 reactor-years).



    RITM-200 will be Landed. Yury Fadeyev’s Interview

    JSC “Afrikantov OKBM” of Nizhny Novgorod, the company that designed the
    RITM-200 marine reactor plant, is getting down to work on a project for
    adapting its product for land-based nuclear power stations. Yury
    Fadeyev, the Chief Designer of Pressurized Water Reactor Plants in JSC
    “Afrikantov OKBM”, told RC how and for what it is being done.
    — RITM‑200 may become a basis for medium-sized reactors. How can this be done, from the engineering point of view?
    — RITM-200 installed in an icebreaker, taking into account its own
    power consumption, generates 30 MWe per one unit. Without changing the
    reactor design, just by optimizing reactor plant parameters and thermal
    schematic, this power may be increased to 50 MW. If we are speaking
    about the medium-sized nuclear power stations, a few hundred megawatts
    could be built up through putting together a number of modular reactor
    plants like RITM-200. This is one of the world’s trends now. However,
    everything will be determined by economics — by whether or not this
    scheme is going to be competitive. The objective of ensuring
    competitiveness will be achieved at the level of the whole station — for
    example, by the architectural design, modularity, etc.
    — Let us speak then in more detail about what it is to be done to put RITM-200 on the ground.
    — I’ll repeat it again, there is no need to do anything with the
    reactor plant — the main equipment in the reactor plant will remain
    unchanged. Most likely, the power unit layout will change — the
    locations of the equipment in the rooms at the station. Plus, a certain
    upgrade will have to be made on the refueling complex in connection with
    the land-based conditions. Additional fuel handling equipment will be
    added, which the icebreaker does not have. Also, an upgraded high-power
    turbine will have to be installed in the land-based power unit. Of
    course, purely architectural design solutions are important — we got to
    avoid large construction work scopes, try to switch over to promptly
    erected structures — finished or prefabricated.
    — How do you think, is it more expensive to build a land-based plant than an icebreaker plant?
    — The reactor plant will cost practically the same. And if a nuclear
    power station and an icebreaker are compared, I think that the station
    will be somewhat more expensive. First, additional equipment is required
    for the nuclear power station; second, the icebreaker plant is a fully
    factory made product. By definition, it’s got to be cheaper.
    — Are there specs that you are striving to achieve?
    — Our specialists now are developing a technical assignment where the
    target specs will be stated. Whether or not we are going to achieve
    them, it is a matter of performing the design work.
    — Which companies are going to be partners in the project?
    — Ours is only the reactor plant. We will have to function as a work
    integrator, a technical manager. The stations themselves will be
    developed by specialized organizations. Is it going to be ASE or is it
    going to be another organization — this matter is now being decided
    upon. We are studying this matter jointly with Rosenergoatom and
    — What are your thoughts on why ROSATOM started to think about developing land-based power units with RITM-200?
    — Because there are many consumers for this power level, mostly
    abroad. ROSATOM wants to see what economic parameters we are going to
    get and if we will be able to promote this product at the external
    market. And at the internal market too.
    — What are the markets you are speaking about?
    — Nuclear power stations with RITM-200 are designed to operate either
    with low-current grids, or in local, limited power systems for a
    specific consumer.
    The internal market for them is undeveloped regions, like the Urals,
    Siberia, the territories that are being developed and lack for
    As for the external market, now we are contacting Indonesia,
    Philippines. There are many islands that have a huge shortage of
    electricity. Outside Russia, in particular in Turkey, there are
    sufficiently large companies operating fossil-fueled floating power
    generating units. And these are units with the installed power of up to
    300 MW. There are consumers in West Africa,
    East Africa, Indonesia. They have quite high cost of kilowatt-hour; nonetheless, electricity is bought at this price there.
    — You said that you are writing the technical assignment for a
    land-based nuclear power station. When will the work on the conceptual
    design be finished?
    — We are planning to start the work literally in the fourth quarter of
    this year. We hope to finish the conceptual design in the first or in
    the middle of the second quarter the next year.
    — Who is a customer for the work?
    — Rosenergoatom will be the customer. Rosenergoatom funds the work too.
    — What is going to happen after you prepare the conceptual design for a land-based nuclear power station with RITM‑200?
    — Based on the conceptual design, an economic model will be built. We
    will estimate it jointly with the general designer and Rosenergoatom.
    — Does it mean that with the development of the land-based nuclear
    power station with RITM-200 reactor plants OKBM abandons the VBER
    water-moderated, water-cooled modular reactor design?
    — No, it does not. You see, VBER is in another power range — it is up
    to 600 MWe. It is another story that it has to have sufficiently large
    power centers; hence, considering today’s conditions in the Russian
    economy, the development of VBER has been put to a pause for the time
    being. I hope this work will continue in due time.

    bg bh

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

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  • The Assay – Uranium Edition 2022

    Uranium has been in the headlines a lot recently; from the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust buying physical pounds and causing a dramatic spike in price late last year, to whether or not current social unrest in Kazakhstan – the world’s largest producer of the commodity – will affect output. But one overarching theme is that more governments around the world are now recognizing nuclear power as a viable, carbon-free source of energy. This poses a compelling question: are we about to experience a nuclear renaissance?
    In this edition, produced in collaboration with Uranium Insider, we tackle the major uranium themes of the last decade, discuss the outlook for future supply and demand, and present number of uranium-focused company profiles for you to explore.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Soll sie von mir aus als gelb oder blau oder lila deklariert werden...der Rest der Welt kümmert sich nicht gross darum, weil es schlicht nicht ohne geht.


  • Was sagt ihr hierzu ? Bleibt offen ob Atomkraft als Grün deklariert wird.


    Na wenn nun schon die Experten von der Leiers Atompläne zerlegen, dann werden China, Russland und Indien ihre Pläne zum Bau 82 neuer Atomreaktoren* gewiss über den Haufen werfen. Man munkelt, Putin, Modi und Xi Jinping hätten sich bereits bei der Kobold-Expertin Baerbock und der Wirtschafts- und Energie-Koryphäe Habeck darüber informiert, wie man mittels Windkraft und Solartechnik den gesamten industriellen und privaten Energiebedarf für deren knapp 3 Milliarden Einwohner bis 2030 decken kann.


  • Atomkraft und Uran sind auf dem Vormarsch


    Auszug: Wie Boss Energy berichtet, bleibt die primäre Uranversorgung knapp, da die Produzentendisziplin aufrechterhalten wird.
    Kasachstan, der weltgrößte Uranexporteur, wird seine bestehenden Produktionskürzungen bis 2023 verlängern, was eine 20-prozentige Reduzierung dessen bedeutet, was Kazatomprom zuvor empfohlen hatte.

    Unterdessen kauft der kanadische Bergmann Cameco auf dem Markt, um bestehende Uranlieferverträge zu erfüllen.
    Darüber hinaus hat der kürzlich gegründete Sprott Physical Uranium Fund seit August mehr als 24 Millionen Pfund Uranoxid gekauft, was den Markt weiter unter Druck gesetzt hat.

    Gruss RS :thumbup:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Es ist amtlich - EU Kommission stuft Kernenergie und Gas als nachhaltig ein!


    Gut, ist aber noch nicht ganz durch:

    "Die Pläne der Kommission wurden bereits im Vorfeld stark kritisiert. Österreich und Luxemburg haben angekündigt, dagegen zu klagen. Auch Spanien, Dänemark, die Niederlande und Schweden lehnen eine nachhaltige Einstufung von Gas ab, hieß es Anfang der Woche in einem Brief an die Kommission. EU-Abgeordnete, Umweltschützer und Wissenschaftler haben immer wieder auf die klimaschädlichen CO2-Emissionen von Gas und die ungelösten Frage des radioaktiven Abfalls bei der Kernkraft hingewiesen sowie auf die Befürchtung, dass der Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien ausgebremst werden könnte. Auch große Anleger wie die Europäische Investmentbank und die Investorengruppe IIGCC äußerten sich kritisch. Nachdem die Kommission den Vorschlag offiziell angenommen hat, kann er nur noch durch eine Mehrheit im EU-Parlament oder mindestens 20 EU-Länder abgelehnt werden, ansonsten tritt er automatisch in Kraft."

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • "Glück ist, was passiert, wenn Vorbereitung auf Gelegenheit trifft."
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (1 - 65 n. Chr.)

  • Große Volumina kurz vor Börsenschluss bei Uranaktien an der TSX in Toronto am Freitag.
    Decken sich hier Morgan Stanley und andere gerade im großen Stil ein?

    unter anderem etf balancing, vermutlich aber auch zusätzlich mehr allocation im sektor.

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

    Alle Mitteilungen in diesem Forum sind als
    reine private Meinungsäußerung zu sehen und keinesfalls als
    Tatsachenbehauptung. Hier gilt Artikel 5 GG und besonders Absatz 3
    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Die US-Uranproduktion im Jahr 2021 betrug 6 Tonnen oder 0,03 % des inländischen Bedarfs an Kernenergie


    07. Februar 2022, Kitco-News

    (Kitco News) - Nach Angaben der US Energy Information Administration (EIA) belief sich die inländische Produktion von Urankonzentrat (U3O8) im vierten Quartal 2021 auf insgesamt 9.978 Pfund U3O8, was ungefähr 4 Tonnen Uran entspricht.

    Laut EIA liegt die Produktion im vierten Quartal 2021 zwar um 88 % über der Gesamtproduktion im dritten Quartal (5.297 Pfund), im vierten Quartal jedoch um 98 % unter dem Fünfjahresbereich 2015-2019 (Daten für das vierte Quartal 2020 wurden nicht veröffentlicht).

    Nach den von der EIA veröffentlichten vierteljährlichen Daten belief sich die Uranproduktion in den Vereinigten Staaten im Jahr 2021 auf etwa 6 Tonnen.

    Zum Vergleich berichtete die World Nuclear Association, dass die Nuklearindustrie in den Vereinigten Staaten im Jahr 2021 17.587 Tonnen Uran für ihre Flotte von 93 Kernkraftwerken verbrauchte.

    EIA fügte hinzu, dass im vierten Quartal 2021 die Uranproduktion in drei Anlagen stattfand, dem ISR-Projekt Nichols Ranch und Ross CPP in Wyoming sowie dem Betrieb Crowe Butte in Nebraska.

    Von Vladimir Basov Für Kitco-Nachrichten

    Gruss RS

  • Zum Vergleich berichtete die World Nuclear Association, dass die Nuklearindustrie in den Vereinigten Staaten im Jahr 2021 17.587 Tonnen Uran für ihre Flotte von 93 Kernkraftwerken verbrauchte.

    Und was verbrauchen die Uran-Schiffsantriebe/U-Boote so im Jahr?

  • verblüfft mich ein wenig das es im forum noch nicht geschrieben wurde,

    restart von mcarthur river

    Cameco restarts Canadian uranium operation
    09 February 2022

    Cameco has announced plans to restart uranium production at McArthur River/Key Lake, idled since 2018. The company plans to ramp up production at the operation in northern Saskatchewan to produce 15 million pounds U3O8 (5770 tU) per year starting in 2024, but aims to maintain "supply discipline", reducing production at Cigar Lake to 25% below its licensed capacity.

    "We see a market where fundamentals are shifting in our favour," Cameco President and CEO Tim Gitzel told investors in the company's conference call. Cameco's planned and unplanned production cuts, inventory reduction and market purchases, have since 2016 removed more than 190 million pounds U3O8 from the spot market, he said. The company has added 70 million pounds of long-term contracts to its portfolio since the start of 2021.
    Coupled with increasing recognition around the world that nuclear energy will play a key role in achieving decarbonisation goals, it is easy to conclude that the uranium demand output is "durable and bright", he said.
    "However, the uranium supply-side story paints a much different picture," he said. Persistently low prices have led to planned production curtailments at existing capacity, increased investment risk for new capacity, and the end of life of some mines. Secondary uranium supplies have in past filled market gaps, but such capacity is now declining significantly. This is further amplified by unplanned supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, global supply chain and economic challenges, while increased interest by investors sequestering large amounts of material has contributed to further thinning of the spot market. Increased interest in long-term contracting is emerging: Cameco has added some 70 million pounds of long-term contracts to its portfolio since the start of 2021, Gitzel noted.
    "It is time for Cameco to proceed with the next phase of our supply discipline decisions," Gitzel told investors, operating McArthur River/Key Lake and Cigar Lake operating at less than licensed capacity starting in 2024. "We are taking a portfolio approach to our supply discipline. In 2021, we were operating at about 75% below productive capacity (100% basis), which came at a significant cost to our business. By 2024, we plan to be operating at about 40% below productive capacity (100% basis). This will remain our production plan until we see further improvements in the uranium market and have made further progress in securing the appropriate homes for our unencumbered, in-ground inventory under long-term contracts, once again demonstrating that we are a responsible supplier of uranium fuel," Gitzel said.
    "Starting in 2024, it is our plan to produce 15 million pounds per year (100% basis) at McArthur River/Key Lake, 40% below the annual licensed capacity of the operation. At that time, we plan to reduce production at Cigar Lake to 13.5 million pounds per year (100% basis), 25% below its annual licensed capacity, for a combined reduction of 33% of licensed capacity at the two operations. In addition, we plan to keep our tier-two assets on care and maintenance, and production at Inkai will continue to follow the 20% reduction until the end of 2023 unless Kazatomprom further extends its supply reductions."
    It will take some time to transition McArthur River/Key Lake from care-and-maintenance, Gitzel said. However, the operation could produce up to 5 million pounds U3O8 this year, depending on the completion of operational readiness activities including automation, digitisation and other projects, maintenance work and recruitment and training, and managing the potential risks from the pandemic and related supply chain challenges. Cameco will continue to meet sales commitments from a combination of its lower-cost production inventory and purchases, he added.
    The company expects Cigar Lake production to be 15 million pounds U3O8 in 2022 (on a 100% basis).
    McArthur River/Key Lake is described by Cameco as the world's largest high-grade uranium operation. Ore from underground mining operations at McArthur River is trucked 80 km south to be milled at Key Lake. Mining operations at Key Lake ended in 2002. Cameco is the majority owner and operator of McArthur River (69.8%) and the Key Lake mill (Cameco 83%), with Orano Canada owning 30.2% of McArthur River and 16.7% of Key Lake.
    Nicolas Maes, CEO of Orano Mining, said the company is "fully confident" in Cameco's ability bring McArthur River/Key Lake into production on schedule. "Given the continued unbalanced uranium market conditions, the restart of McArthur gives us the opportunity to reduce production at Cigar Lake, extending the life of this asset and postponing the need for new projects in northern Saskatchewan," he said.
    Orano Canada President and CEO Jim Corman said he was "optimistic" about the longevity of the Saskatchewan's uranium industry. "Following on the heels of our approval to expand the tailings management facility at McClean Lake, we now have a solid plan for uninterrupted production," he said.

    bg bh

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

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