Energy Fuels Inc. / EFR, UUUU (TSX, NYSE)

  • bsp UEX
    könnte richtig was werden, wenn es jetzt hier dreht... Ansonsten dann später, die volle Pos aufbauen.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    geht zu schnell irgendwie. habe gerade 50% gegeben.Einstieg war bei 0,15 =)

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    sorry für den "Spam". @Edel Man vielleicht kannst du das hier in Uran explorer packen bitte.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Das Zitat stammt aus dem Chartthread, nur zu ! ^^


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Ich war in der langen Konsiphase zw. 2014 und 2018 uA in EFR, UEC und NXE investiert. Zunächst mal allen Glückwunsch für das gute Timing. U308 Aktien haben zeitgleich mit der Rohstoffe-Hausse und dem Green Energy Deal (Co2 Reduktion) abgehoben. Der Uranpreis ist aber kaum mitgezogen - viele andere Rohstoffe verzeichneten Zugewinne über 100%. Daher ist meiner Meinung nach Vorsicht geboten - charttechnisch natürlich top, fundamental meiner Meinung nach überbewertet.

    EFR braucht U308 Futures Preise über 50 USD um richtig gehebelt seine Wyomings assets hochzufahren und eine höhere MC zu rechtfertigen. Hier sind wir noch weit davon entfernt. Einen SQ beim U308 Preis wie seinerzeit 2007 halte ich für sehr unwahrscheinlich. Dafür ist einfach zu viel Uranproduktion auf Abruf. Dazu ist das Stockholding, welches seit Jahren den Spotmarket deckelt - noch immer ungewiss. Mittelfristig sehe ich Uranpreise zw. 45 und 55 Usd.

    Good luck auf euren Ritt


  • Dafür ist einfach zu viel Uranproduktion auf Abruf

    hallo peter, ich möchte dir einfach nur empfehlen, dir den uranmarkt nochmals einer dd zu unterwerfen.

    bg bh

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

    Alle Mitteilungen in diesem Forum sind als
    reine private Meinungsäußerung zu sehen und keinesfalls als
    Tatsachenbehauptung. Hier gilt Artikel 5 GG und besonders Absatz 3
    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Mann redet seit zig Jahren über das supplydefizit. Keiner kann genau beurteilen wie groß die Stocks noch sind. Dazu mit uec, Efr und CCO einiges auf Abruf welche aufhüpfen sobald der Uranpreis um 40 cad ist. Mit NXE das nächste bessere CCO mit cash costs um die 5 usd in der Entwicklung. Natürlich Kazachen etwas on the back. Olympic damm mit Riesen Uran Byproduct (dritt größte Uran-Reserve weltweit) ebenso an Start. Bleibt der CU Preis hoch wird man wohl das tonnage Upgrade machen.


  • allgemeine infos zu unranmarkt könnten wir auch im passenen thread diskutieren...


    bg bh

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

    Alle Mitteilungen in diesem Forum sind als
    reine private Meinungsäußerung zu sehen und keinesfalls als
    Tatsachenbehauptung. Hier gilt Artikel 5 GG und besonders Absatz 3
    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    "Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) ("Energy Fuels" oder das "Unternehmen"), der führende Uranproduzent in den USA und ein aufstrebender Produzent von Seltenen Erden in den USA, freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass es ein Hall of Fame Presenter bei der kommenden virtuellen Veranstaltung LD Micro Invitational XI am Dienstag, den 8. Juni um 11:00 AM ET sein wird.

    "Chris Lahiji, Gründer von LD Micro, erklärte: "Die Hall of Fame hebt nicht nur Unternehmen hervor, die eine hohe Rendite erzielt haben, sondern auch für die Gesellschaft von Nutzen waren. Ich halte große Stücke auf Energy Fuels und sein Management und bin sehr stolz auf das, was sie erreicht haben. Wir freuen uns darauf, sie bei der Einladung zu empfangen."…58-U!UUUU-20210607/U/UUUU

    Angehängt ein Chart mit dem Aufwärtstrendkanal, ähnlich dem der bekannten guten U Aktien..

    Nb.sehr interessant, einen Lanfristchart von EFR / UUUU anzusehen: So betrug der Aktienkurs 2007 rd. 280 und 1996 rd. 700 C$... Vermutlich Auswirkung späterer massiver Verwässerung durch Kapitalerhöhungen.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Ein Chart, der das Investoren / Investierten-Herz was von unfertig ^^

    Bei 7 angestossen, aber bei der Latte, die die haben, wird diese Latte wohl bald durchstossen,

    Darauf einen Caffé latte (nach dem Essen)!


  • Energy Fuels Hosts Mining, Environmental and Political Heavyweights to Showcase Uranium Activities and Introduce Production of Rare Earths at its Blanding, Utah Facility

    Shipments of commercial quantities of rare earths from Energy Fuels' White Mesa Mill in Blanding represent a milestone in the creation of a new supply chain reducing dependence on foreign suppliers, while boosting significant economic potential to the area

    BLANDING, Utah, Sept. 16, 2021 /CNW/ - Energy Fuels' President and CEO, Mark Chalmers is hosting business, community and industry heavyweights in Blanding, Utah to introduce the commencement of production and shipments of an intermediate rare earth element ("REE") product, called mixed rare earth carbonate ("RE Carbonate"), at its Utah-based White Mesa Mill (the "Mill"). Approximately 15 containers of RE Carbonate (300 tonnes of product) produced at the Mill is being shipped to Europe where it will be processed into separated rare earth oxides and other value-added RE compounds, thereby creating a new U.S. to Europe RE supply chain along with new opportunities and financial benefits for the surrounding communities. The Mill will be producing rare earths as a complement to its established uranium production business.

    The Company will also showcase its U.S. industry-leading uranium production capabilities. Energy Fuels has been the largest producer of uranium in the U.S. for the past several years, boasting more uranium production facilities, mines and capacity than any other U.S. company. The White Mesa Mill is the largest uranium production facility in the US and America's only operating uranium mill. Uranium is seeing increased interest recently, as it is the fuel for nuclear energy, which is the largest source of clean, carbon free energy in the U.S.
    REEs are necessary in the production of hundreds of everyday and specialty items with a wide range of consumer applications, including cell phones, computer hard drives, electric and hybrid vehicles, and flat screen monitors and televisions. They also have significant national defense uses including electronic displays, guidance systems, lasers, and radar and sonar systems. Furthermore, with the global push to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the expansion of green technologies such as solar and wind will continue to play a critical role, and REEs are a fundamental raw material used in the manufacturing of these clean energy sources. There are currently no U.S. companies producing separated REE oxides or any other advanced or value-added REE compounds, thereby making the US 100% dependent on the importation of these critical materials. Energy Fuels is determined to reverse that reliance and lessen the risk of disruption to the clean energy economy and our national defense.
    "This is an exciting time for all of us at Energy Fuels in both the uranium and rare earth sectors," said Chalmers. "We believe the San Juan County community will benefit greatly from this rare earth initiative, as it will offer not only a safe, environmentally sensible, and domestically-generated product, but it will also stimulate local employment and be an economic boost to the area." The White Mesa Mill is currently one of the largest private employers in the county, and it is estimated that this new rare earth effort could result in an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars into the facility, which could translate into 100+ jobs in the region—one of the largest reinvestments this region has seen in decades. "In addition to the economic benefits to Utah, restoring rare earth production to the United States will greatly benefit the entire U.S. economy and manufacturing sector by providing a domestic source of clean energy materials produced to the highest global standards for environmental protection, sustainability and human rights, while also allowing for source validation and tracking from mining through final end-use applications," added Chalmers. "With the increased demand for rare earths—up to a fivefold demand increase over the next 10 years—we will need all hands-on deck. Combined with the current resurgence in uranium, rare earths represent a truly an immense opportunity for San Juan County, the State of Utah, and the United States as a whole."

    This move by Energy Fuels comes at a time when the Biden administration has made it a priority to reestablish the rare earths industry in the US. Currently, China dominates every aspect of the REE industry from mining to the manufacturing of REE magnets. In the early 1990's, China produced 38% of world's REEs, the US produced 33%, Australia produced 12%, and Malaysia and India produced a combined five percent with several smaller countries making up the rest (Source: What are rare earth elements, and why are they important? | American Geosciences Institute). However, a significant shift in those percentages occurred, and by 2011 97% of the world's REEs were produced in China. While China is expected to continue as the dominant player in the global REE industry, Energy Fuels believes it can create a low-cost, secure domestic alternative for end-users seeking diversity of supply and competition.

    Headquartered in Lakewood, Colorado, Energy Fuels currently plans to ramp up to process up to at least 15,000 tons of monazite per year at its White Mesa Mill. This amount of monazite contains roughly 50% of current U.S. rare earth demand, along with significant quantities of uranium, which will be recovered for use in domestic nuclear energy production. "Energy Fuels and our partner, Neo Performance Materials, have made significant steps toward restoring critical U.S. and European rare earth supply chains," added Chalmers. "We are strategically seeking to increase our rare earth carbonate production in the coming years, since we first started acquiring monazite ore produced in the State of Georgia earlier this year."

    Successfully producing REEs, and physically delivering the first containers of RE Carbonate to Neo for separation, is an important achievement, not only for Energy Fuels, but also for the U.S. government and its efforts to restore critical rare earth supply chains. This is also good news for end-users of rare earth products in the U.S., Europe, Japan and elsewhere who seek alternative sources of rare earths produced in the U.S. and Europe that adhere to the highest global regulations and standards of environmental protection and sustainability as well as keeping a close eye on human rights.
    Because monazite contains naturally occurring radioactive elements, including uranium, the White Mesa Mill is the ideal location to process this valuable material. The Mill will recover the uranium from the monazite, which will be used for the generation of clean nuclear energy. The Mill is also evaluating the recovery of thorium which has potential uses in advanced nuclear technologies along with medical isotopes needed for emerging targeted alpha cancer therapies. In addition, the monazite that is received from Georgia contains over 50% REEs, which means Energy Fuels can recover large quantities of REEs while generating relatively tiny amounts of waste. "We have an exceptional track record of environmental protection and regulatory compliance at the Mill. We also have a lot of experience in safely handling and working responsibly with low-level, natural radioactive elements contained in a variety of uranium ores and recycled alternate feed materials," stated Curtis Moore, Energy Fuels' VP of Marketing and Corporate Development. "Monazite sand contains roughly the same percentage of uranium as the ore found in mines in the Four Corners' region. So, we know we will responsibly process it for the recovery of the raw materials needed for various clean energy and advanced technologies. The safety of our community and our employees is and will always remain paramount. We also are evaluating how we can do more for our local communities, particularly local Navajo, Ute, and other Native American communities."
    "Energy Fuels recognizes the lingering distrust in communities that witnessed and experienced the health and environmental impacts from historic Cold War uranium mining operations, which continue to impact perceptions. We are deeply committed to addressing the world's most pressing environmental issues, while advancing toward the electrification of the world economy. We believe that unlocking the value of domestically produced monazite and the domestic production of rare earths, combined with our existing uranium business, is a significantly positive step." Energy Fuels has and continues to be profoundly committed to responsible and modern mining and production, and all U.S. uranium and REE production is done to the highest global standards for environmental protection and human rights.

  • Energy Fuels Establishes the San Juan County Clean Energy Foundation with Potential to Contribute Millions to Local Communities

    BLANDING, Utah, Sept. 16, 2021 /CNW/ - At its recent open house showcasing its uranium and rare earth businesses for local and national dignitaries and industry leaders, Energy Fuels Inc. ("Energy Fuels" or the "Company") announced the establishment of the San Juan County Clean Energy Foundation, a fund specifically designed to contribute to the communities surrounding Energy Fuels' White Mesa Mill in Southeastern, Utah. This week, Energy Fuels deposited $1 million into the Foundation and anticipates providing ongoing annual funding equal to 1% of the Mill's future revenues, providing funding to support the local economy and local priorities. The Foundation will focus on supporting education, the environment, health/wellness, and economic advancement in the City of Blanding, San Juan County, the White Mesa Ute Community, the Navajo Nation and other area communities. "The communities that surround our facility deserve to share in the benefits of the Mill's clean energy future," said Mark Chalmers, CEO of Energy Fuels. "Uranium, which is the fuel for carbon-free, emission-free baseload nuclear power, is one of the cleanest forms of energy in the world. The rare earth's we are now producing are used for the manufacture of permanent magnets for electric vehicles, wind turbines and other clean energy and modern technologies, and the thorium and other radioisotopes we are evaluating for recovery from our rare earth and uranium processing streams have the potential to provide the isotopes needed for emerging targeted alpha therapy cancer-fighting therapeutics. The very heart of our business – uranium and rare-earth production and recycling – helps us play a big part in addressing global climate change, reducing air pollution, and making the world a cleaner and healthier place. We see San Juan County as becoming a critical minerals hub for the U.S., and we believe the Foundation is truly the best way to make an impact and difference in the lives of those who work alongside us as we pursue these goals." Company executives met with local community members to better understand and identify how the Foundation will strategically support the local communities and how to best structure the Foundation. "Energy Fuels has long been a major contributor to not only the employment base of the community but also for the well-being and prosperity of this region," said Blanding's Mayor Joe B. Lyman. "Over the last year, the Company has met with local community members to understand and identify needs in the area. The formation of the Foundation is a culmination of these efforts and the beginning of a long-term commitment to improve the quality of life for everyone in the San Juan County area to help us reach our full potential." To ensure that the Foundation's contributions are well-planned and correspond to the specific needs and aspirations of the communities, the Foundation will have a community-based Advisory Board to help it determine the best allocation for the funds.
    "The processing of rare earths at the White Mesa Mill, in addition to processing and recycling uranium, is one of the best opportunities I have seen in my entire 40+ year career, as electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, and other clean energy and advanced technologies drive demand," continued Mr. Chalmers. "And, the potential to also extract isotopes that can be used to fight cancer is a very important added opportunity. Investing back into the San Juan County community will give us the opportunity to help support and catalyze sustainable economic and community development, beyond good jobs and more tax revenues."
    With a population of a little more than 3,000 people, Blanding is the most populous city in San Juan County. Economic contributors include mineral processing, mining, agriculture, local commerce, tourism, and transportation. The community is also a gateway to nearby natural, cultural and archaeological resources. Energy Fuels' rare earth initiative will only involve mineral processing, and it is not expected to involve any new mining in the region.
    Energy Fuels is a leading U.S.-based uranium mining company, supplying U3O8 to major nuclear utilities. Energy Fuels also produces vanadium from certain projects, as market conditions warrant, as well as rare earth carbonate. With corporate offices in Lakewood, Colorado, near Denver, and all of its assets and employees in the United States, Energy Fuels holds three of America's key uranium production centers: the White Mesa Mill in Utah, the Nichols Ranch in-situ recovery (ISR) Project in Wyoming, and the Alta Mesa ISR Project in Texas. Energy Fuels is a publicly traded company on the NYSE under the trading symbol "UUUU," and its common shares are also listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the trading symbol "EFR." Energy Fuels' website is

  • "Uranium, which is the fuel for carbon-free, emission-free baseload nuclear power, is one of the cleanest forms of energy in the world." [smilie_happy]

    Wissen die das in Hiroshima, Bikini, Tschernobyl und Fukoshima auch schon???

  • ...Energy Fuels letzte Woche wieder mal mit einem satten Plus von 30 % ( :thumbup: )

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    Hier könnte/dürfte a)der 'round number-Widerstand' (10) greifen. Und treffen wir b) auf einen Horizontalwiderstand. Ich gehe deshalb von Rückschlagspotential aus, das aber bei ~ 7,5 (Horizontal-Support, GD 50 daily) limitiert sein sollte.

    Langgfristig bleiben die Aussichten...glänzend ! :thumbup:

    P.s.: ich trade hier aber nicht , würde bei 7,5 gar nachkaufen. Ich halte es im Uran-Sektor mit Livermore: '...sit tight!'

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