CORONA Virus, wirtschaftliche Folgen, med. Informationen

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    «Es gibt aber noch einige offene Fragen, die geklärt werden müssen», sagt Fässler zu Blick. So müsse genau abgegrenzt werden, welche Behörde oder Institution für welche Kontrollen zuständig sei. Dass die Energiepolizei von Tür zu Tür schreitet, will Fässler nämlich nicht. «Wir wollen die Verordnung mit Augenmass umsetzen.»

    Soso, nach der Corona Polizei kommt jetzt die Energie Polizei. [smilie_blume]
    Vollständiger Artikel:…der-knast-id17851055.html

  • Schreib doch einfach ja hin - oder wollen die auch eine Kopie?

    Nicht das ich wüsste, allerdings heißt das nicht das dieses nicht noch gefordert werden kann. Oder ob da bei persönlicher Begutachtung nicht noch was verlangt wird ?)
    Schriftlich lügen halte ich aber selten für klug.
    Und eigentlich will ich nicht einer einzigen "Behörde/Amt..." überhaupt einen Status mitteilen. Geht die mal so gar nichts an.
    Außerdem will ich diese Unterscheidung gar nicht mehr fördern, da es beim Infektionsgeschehen halt 0 relevant ist.

  • Nicht das ich wüsste, allerdings heißt das nicht das dieses nicht noch gefordert werden kann. Oder ob da bei persönlicher Begutachtung nicht noch was verlangt wird ?) Schriftlich lügen halte ich aber selten für klug.
    Und eigentlich will ich nicht einer einzigen "Behörde/Amt..." überhaupt einen Status mitteilen. Geht die mal so gar nichts an.
    Außerdem will ich diese Unterscheidung gar nicht mehr fördern, da es beim Infektionsgeschehen halt 0 relevant ist.

    fragen die nach covid impfung oder ganz allgemein nach impfung?

  • alter hat der einen Scheißjob

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    It begins to make more sense if mentally, one stops thinking about Covid and Marburg as names of microbes, and start thinking of them as brand names of weapons systems (like Predator drone, Hellfire missiles or F-22 jet).

  • alter hat der einen Scheißjob

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    Diesen Unsinn halte ich im Kopf nicht aus. :wall: :boese:

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nur gemeinsam sind wir stark.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Eine Lüge ist bereits dreimal um die Erde gelaufen, bevor sich die Wahrheit die Schuhe anzieht. Mark Twain

  • alter hat der einen Scheißjob

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    Was für eine gequirlte Scheiße. Wenn ich nicht mehr produziere fallen nur die variablen Kosten weg, die Fixkosten bleiben aber. Folge: Insolvenz, weil die Ausgaben die Erträge übersteigen und Rücklagefünf Monaten.

    Motto: Carpe diem et noctem.

    „Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit, aber bei dem Universum bin ich mir noch nicht ganz sicher.“ (Albert Einstein)

    „Wer grundlegende Freiheiten aufgibt, um vorübergehend ein wenig Sicherheit zu gewinnen, verdient weder Freiheit noch Sicherheit.“ (Benjamin Franklin)

    Rechtlicher Hinweis: Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16.

  • Is ja nur der Wirtschaftsminister der größten Volkswirtschaft Europas.

    Da muss man solche "hochkomplexen" und unbedeutenden Zusammenhänge nicht unbedingt verstehen.

    Es wird immer offensichtlicher werden und es hört erst dann auf, wenn der Letzte verstanden hat, dass diese Leute

    • nicht im Interesse des eigenen Landes/der eigenen Bürger agieren
    • absolut inkompetent sind
    • keine Moral und Anstand besitzen
    • dadurch auf ganzer Linie versagt haben werden

    Letzte Woche die Außenministerin, diese Woche der Wirtschaftsminister.

    Und es wird noch viel deutlicher werden (müssen). Es gibt hier einfach zu viele Wachkomatöse, die erreicht werden müssen. Für den halbwegs Mitdenkenden ist das Ganze bereits seit langem unfassbar grotesk!

    Nun fingen einige an, ihn anzuspeien, ihm das Gesicht zu verhüllen, ihn dann mit der Faust zu schlagen und zu ihm zu sagen: »Weissage uns!« Auch die Gerichtsdiener versetzten ihm bei der Übernahme Schläge ins Gesicht.

    Markus-Evangelium Kapitel 14, Vers 65

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Nebelparder ()

  • Du hast den Bundeskasper vergessen.... ^^


    Im Namen des Volkes

  • eine wirklich gute zusammenfassung von steve kirsch zur "datenverschleierung" von impfschäden in israel

    Exclusive: Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up
    Israel didn't start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program. They gathered 6 months worth of data and found that the vaccines weren't safe so they lied to the world about it.
    The single most important point is this:
    The key facts in a nutshell:

    1. The Israeli health authority knew the vaccines were harming people: the side effects of the vaccine are neither mild nor short term. In fact, in 65% of the neurological cases that mentioned duration, the symptoms are all on-going.
    2. They also established causality: the side effects were caused by the vaccine. This is something no one else had been able to establish before.
    3. They don’t know how serious the harm is because they only looked at the data for the top five categories. Cardiovascular was #6. So they have only looked at a fraction of the data.
    4. The researchers do not know the prevalence of these serious side effects because they were just provided with the numerator, not the denominator (similar to VAERS).
    5. The Israeli authorities deliberately covered up the safety issues and hid it from the world, issuing a false report essentially saying “there is nothing new to see here folks, move along.”
    6. The only good news in all of this is that Israel protected Palestinians from getting this very unsafe vaccine. That was very humane of the Israelis.
    7. The Israeli people aren’t stupid. They have figured out the vaccines are “unsafe and ineffective” (my new tagline for the vaccines… what do you think? catchy isn’t it?) and are no longer complying with government directives to be vaccinated. Just 2.4% of the Israeli population is “in compliance” as of Sept 2, 2022:[Blockierte Grafik:,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/]
    1. As of September 4, 2022 no one is being held accountable and everyone is ignoring this bombshell story:
      1. There is a press blackout on coverage in Israel of this. The Israel media refuses to even look at the evidence.
      2. Nobody in Israel is being held accountable for this corruption. There isn’t even an investigation.
      3. Nobody in the worldwide medical community is speaking out about the corruption either despite the fact that it affects people everywhere in the world.
      4. There is no coverage of this in any worldwide mainstream media.
      5. No public official, public health official, or mainstream media anywhere in the world is even calling for an investigation, nobody wants to see the original expert report, and nobody wants to see the safety data they gathered.
      6. Someone translated an earlier version of this article into Hebrew and posted it on mainstream media in Israel. It was removed in less than 1 hour. This shows how important censorship is. If this story leaks, it’s all over.
      7. We have the full video and we have the slides that were presented; use the Contact Me link if you are a health authority and want to see it before it is released to the public.
      8. Just to be sure the CDC knows about this, I just emailed hundreds of people at the CDC who are involved in the COVID vaccines (including Rochelle Walensky) to let them know that the report and video are available. All they have to do is hit reply. I bet not a single person at the CDC wants to see it. We are about to find out just how deep the corruption runs at the CDC.
      9. This isn’t surprising that they ignore this. All negative data on the vaccine is ignored. For example, when I discovered that young Canadian doctors were dying at a more than 12X normal after the second booster, the Canadian Medical Association, whose job it is to to be an advocate for the health of doctors, refused to comment. I sent five requests and they ignored all requests. They should change their website to say that they are an advocate for the drug companies, not the health of doctors.


    1. The Israel Ministry of Health (MoH) took 18 months from the launch date of the vaccine before they looked at the COVID vaccine safety data to see what it said.
    2. They only started collecting safety data in December 2021, one year after rolling out the vaccines to the public. Few people knew this.
    3. In December 2021, they tasked an outside expert panel led by Prof. Mati Berkowitz, a leading Israeli expert on pharmacology and toxicology from Asaf Harofe hospital, to examine the safety data they collected over the next 6 months (from early December to the end of May, 2022).
    4. The panel presented their findings to MoH personnel on or about Jun 6, 2022 in a Zoom call that was secretly recorded. They found that the COVID vaccines were much more dangerous to people than the world authorities admitted. They found serious adverse events that were never disclosed by Pfizer or any world government. These adverse events were also not found to be short term as the public was told.
    5. They also determined causality, something no other world health authority has ever been willing to do (because other governments never looked at the data either). Causality was both obvious and easy to prove using the re-challenge data that was collected (you can’t do this using the US VAERS data, for example).
    6. In short, the panel determined that the government was misleading the people of Israel.
    7. We still don’t know the whole extent of how dangerous the vaccines are because the outside team only looked at the top 5 most frequently cited events.
    8. Both the Israeli authorities and scientists analyzing the Ministry of Health (MoH) data acted to cover up the harms by releasing a fabricated report to the public to make the vaccine look perfectly safe and claim that there was nothing wrong..
    9. It is only thanks to the efforts of one courageous individual who released the recording of the full Zoom meeting between the MoH and their expert panel that we now know what was said at that meeting and what the data actually showed. Otherwise the world would still be in the dark.
    10. Leaders of our “trusted institutions” all over the world said absolutely nothing after the news broke on August 20, 2022. This suggests that there is widespread corruption in the medical community, government agencies, among public health officials, the mainstream media, and social media companies worldwide: they will not acknowledge any event that goes against the mainstream narrative.
    11. This is a level of corruption that is unprecedented. The atrocities here are clear cut. Everyone should be speaking out and calling for a full investigation and fully evaluating the safety data collected by the Israel government.

    Executive Summary
    The Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH) was informed by their own hand-selected outside expert group headed by Prof. Mati Berkowitz that the COVID vaccines are not as safe as the MoH had been claiming to the Israeli people. It was just the opposite: instead of mild, short term events, the events were serious and long-lasting. For neurological side effects, in 65% of the cases, these did not go away at all (start watching this video at 2:30; the 65% is at 3:09) and the researchers admitted they had no clue if they would ever go away.
    Instead of admitting their mistake, the MoH covered it up by issuing a report that distorted the expert report.
    In addition, the experts also effectively covered it up by saying nothing when this happened. They sat by idly while the MoH misrepresented the data. It appears that everyone involved was so intimidated that they felt that they had to bury the truth, even when it can cost lives.

    bg bh

    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

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  • Die Impfschäden kommen immer deutlicher zum Vorschein. Teilweise auch medial !!
    Aber geht das bald unter,
    da Inflation, Rechnungen nicht zahlen können, sich kaum noch was leisten können, immer leerer werdende Regale in den Märkten, Arbeitslosigkeit, hungern, frieren........etc. etc.


    Im Namen des Volkes

  • Soso, nach der Corona Polizei kommt jetzt die Energie Polizei.

    Gasstapo. <X

    Demokratie ist die Diktatur der Dummen (Friedrich von Schiller)
    Das Grundprinzip der Parteien-Demokratie ist, die Bürger von der Macht fernzuhalten (Michael Winkler)
    Wer die Zeichen der Zeit nicht erkennt, wird von ihr überrollt werden. 8o
    Wer Banken sein Geld überlässt, macht sich mitschuldig :!:

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